mputer Science and a minor in Brain and Cognitive Sciences. On this website, Ajay Jain shares his research and work in the field of Artificial Intelligence. He is currently an AI researcher at UC Berkeley, and has previously worked at top AI companies such as Google Brain, NVIDIA Research, Uber ATG, and Facebook AI. His work focuses on generative models, including diffusion models, text-to-3D with NeRFs, and scalable ML systems. The website also includes links to Jain's professional profiles, such as Twitter, Google Scholar, GitHub, LinkedIn, and his Curriculum Vitae. In addition, the website features some fun things he has made, as well as some of his past projects. Overall, this website provides insight into the work of a leading AI researcher and allows visitors to learn more about his accomplishments and interests. It is a valuable resource for those interested in the field of AI, particularly in the area of generative models.

