Are You Smarter Than ChatGPT? 介绍
该网站是一个智力游戏,名为 “Are You Smarter Than ChatGPT?”。ChatGPT是一个基于语言模型的人工智能程序,它可以生成自然语言文本、回答问题和聊天等多个任务。游戏的目的是测试用户的智力和语言能力是否能够战胜这个人工智能程序。游戏分为三个不同的模式,命名为 Easy,Medium 和 Hard。用户需要选择一个模式后开始游戏,接着 ChatGPT 会随机出几个问题并提供选项,用户需要在规定的时间内选择正确的答案。游戏非常有趣,可以帮助用户提高他们的语言表达和思维能力。同时,该网站还提供了大量关于 ChatGPT 的信息,包括 ChatGPT 是如何工作的、其背后的技术原理、其在各个领域中的应用等等。最重要的是,该网站可以作为一个展示人工智能技术的平台,吸引更多人了解和探索这个领域的发展。无论是对于开发者、教育工作者还是对于一般人群,这个网站都值得一试。
ChatGPT Sidebar is a website that provides a browser extension for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. The extension can be used to easily interact with online content, such as text in articles, -
ChatGPT for Gmail Free Chrome Extension | EzMail.AI
ChatGPT-powered free Chrome Extension for Gmail that generates entire emails and messages. -
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Make meetings efficient Supercharge your meetings with ChatGPT and save 30% of your meeting time. Get Inkdrop Facilitate your Meetings Keep your meetings short and on subject with our AI assistant Stop Typing Turn your conversation into minutes, followups and tickets in one click -
Zeeno - An AI assistant that lives in your mobile keyboard
Zeeno is an AI assistant that lives in your mobile keyboard powered by ChatGPT. Re-phrase tweets and social media posts, generate paragraph responses to emails, brainstorm ideas for dinner, and more! All within your mobile chat box! -
Ai LiLi - ChatGPT Companions with Souls
Ai LiLi is an ChatGPT-powered platform that lets you chat with AI companions with custom personalities. -
AiCogni ChatGPT Voice AI Assistant - AiCogni Voice ChatGPT
Discover AiCogni, the ChatGPT powered voice AI assistant that can transform the way you interact with technology. Experience smarter communication today. -
AiBERT - The Genius WhatsApp Bot for ChatGPT and Midjourney
AiBERT是一款智能的WhatsApp聊天机器人,它可以用于ChatGPT和Midjourney。用户可以使用AiBERT与机器人进行自然对话,并获得有关各种主题的定制化答案。 无论你是个人用户还是企业用户,AiBERT都提供了很多有用且易于使用的功能。首先,它可以用于营销推广,比如自动回复和定制化消息推送。其次,它可以用于提供客户支持和解决方案,比如回答常见问题和订阅服务。此外 -
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