ling, grammar, clarity, and conciseness of text to enhance its readability. This ChatGPT Shortcut website provides an easy-to-use platform for accessing over 200 prompts categorized into various fields, including programming, AI, psychology, philosophy, and more. These prompts enable writers, students, teachers, and professionals to boost their productivity by generating fresh ideas and refining their texts. One of the highlights of the website is its tag filtering feature, which allows users to select their preferred prompt category or use the search bar to find specific keywords. After selecting a prompt, users can copy and paste it into their documents or use it as a starting point for their writing or brainstorming session. Aside from the core ChatGPT Shortcut tool, the website also provides access to other useful tools, such as the IMG Prompt, which generates image prompts to stimulate visual creativity, and the Text Processing Tool, which assists in converting text into various formats, such as snake case or camel case. Overall, ChatGPT Shortcut is a valuable platform for anyone looking to boost their productivity and enhance their writing or critical thinking skills. Its easy-to-use interface and vast repository of prompts make it a go-to resource for writers, students, teachers, and professionals alike.

