GPTHero 介绍
ely free to use. There is no need to create an account or provide any personal information. The website offers three different modes: Standard Mode, Strict Mode, and Creative Mode.
In Standard Mode, you can input any text that you want to process. GPTHero utilizes its algorithm to modify the text in order to bypass AI detectors. The modified text appears more human-like and aims to evade the detection mechanisms implemented by AI systems. This mode is useful for individuals who want to ensure that their work or content can bypass AI detectors and avoid being flagged or blocked.
Strict Mode, on the other hand, applies a stricter modification algorithm to the input text. This mode is recommended for those who want to make sure that their text can pass more advanced AI detectors and classifiers. By using Strict Mode, you can enhance the chances of your content going undetected by AI systems.
In Creative Mode, GPTHero offers an option for users to express their creativity. By inputting text, users can see how the algorithm modifies and transforms it, resulting in a more artistic and imaginative output.
It is important to note that GPTHero specifically targets detectors that aim to prevent the use of large language models (LLMs), such as GPT. The website acknowledges that tools like GPT can be used to enhance writing and research. However, some AI detectors limit the use of these models. GPTHero intends to counteract these detectors by modifying text and making it more human-like.
Although GPTHero has been tested for detectors such as GPTZero and OpenAI’s AI classifier, it is difficult to determine its effectiveness against all AI detectors. Therefore, it is suggested that users test the modified text themselves to ensure compliance with their intended purpose.
Overall, GPTHero provides a free and easy-to-use platform for modifying text and bypassing AI detectors. Its various modes accommodate different needs and purposes, allowing users to ensure that their work can evade detection by AI systems.
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