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Artificial Art - AI Image Generation
Free online AI image generation based on Stable Diffusion like DALL-E. Easy to use, compact UI, powered by Stable Horde. -
PromptEngineering.org - for the latest Prompt Engineering tutorials resources, trends, products, and services -
prompt generators
DALL·Ery GALL·Ery is a comprehensive guide to OpenAI's DALL·E, a state-of-the-art image generation model that uses machine learning to create realistic images from text descriptions. The website is -
Empathy Prompts
Prompts to consider when making things for others to use. -
Microbial Air Sampler - Nano Instrument
Nano Instrument is a supplier of Microbial Air Sampler,Particle Counter,Aerosol Generator,Diffusion Dryer. Group has been keeping the first place among competitors in the same industry for 20 years in a row.The mission of our company is to provide products and services associated with particle measurement and monitoring, which are application driven. -
Ajay Jain
mputer Science and Engineering and an M.Eng. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Ajay Jain's website is a platform where the computer scientist showcases his portfolio, research, and -
ransmission en direct des débats de son Conseil supérieur de l’autodiscipline publicitaire. Cette diffusion en temps réel permet à tous les acteurs de l'industrie publicitaire français de prendre -
CityLab - 匠大实验室,一起研究有趣好玩的东西