Jobs-Scout - Beta
- AI 分类:
- ChatGPT
- AI 标签:
- CV work job posting job search job resume review resume data science artificial intelligence ChatGPT
- AI 网址:
- https://jobs-scout.com
An AI driven job tracker and resume and job posting analytical tool. Track and analyze your resume and job postings using the power of ChatGPT.
Jobs-Scout - Beta 介绍
retchDelay { 0%, 40%, 100% { -webkit-transform: scaleY(0.4); transform: scaleY(0.4); } 20% { -webkit-transform: scaleY(1.0); transform: scaleY(1.0); } } @keyframes v-beatStretchDelay { 0%, 40%, 100% { -webkit-transform: scaleY(0.4); transform: scaleY(0.4); } 20% { -webkit-transform: scaleY(1.0); transform: scaleY(1.0); } } Jobs-Scout是一个为求职者提供职业机会的招聘网站。该网站可帮助求职者浏览并申请全球的工作机会,这包括世界各地的全职、兼职以及临时工作。Jobs-Scout的搜索功能非常强大,可基于多种标准进行筛选,例如您的技能和经验、所需的工作类型、地点和行业等。它还为您提供自定义的搜索选项,例如公司规模和薪资范围。Jobs-Scout还可让求职者接收有关适合自己的工作机会的电子邮件提醒,这有助于求职者有在第一时间了解最新的求职机会。Jobs-Scout还提供多个语言支持,使其更易于全球求职者使用。该网站的用户界面非常简洁,易于使用。Jobs-Scout的目标是帮助求职者找到最适合自己的工作,从而提高他们在职场上的成功率。如果您是一位正在寻找新工作的求职者,Jobs-Scout是一个必不可少的网站。
"Cmd J — ChatGPT extension for Google, StackOverflow, Gmail"
Improve your writing, get answers to coding questions & generate blog posts with ChatGPT keyboard shortcut. Install our Chrome extension and press Cmd/Alt + J! -
Water AI
Water is a no-code ChatGPT builder. Import knowledge, change writing style, and connect to your favorite tools like Airtable and Zapier. -
Halist AI: Fast and private ChatGPT everywhere
Get lightning-fast access to ChatGPT everywhere with Halist AI. Whether you're on your web, mobile, desktop, or Chrome. -
" ChatGPT AI powered assistant extension for Google Chrome | Voila"
Voila brings the power of ChatGPT AI to your fingertips. Open it with a keyboard shortcut and ask anything. Voila can reply to emails, answer common questions, summarize and translate text, or even come up with an idea for a blog post! -
Entario - Save 5x time with ChatGPT generated replies
Unlock new potential with ChatGPT replies for Twitter & LinkedIn. Let Entario create comments tailored to each inquiry in seconds. -
"ChatGPT Buddy – I'm ChatGPT Buddy, your personal A.I. assistant."
ChatGPT Buddy是一个人工智能(AI)助手,旨在帮助人们更快地解决问题和获得答案。该网站旨在提供高效的友好服务,帮助用户解决各种问题和疑问。只需要在页面上输入您的问题并按“发送”按钮,ChatGPT Buddy将立即为您提供相关答案。无需注册,使该网站使用起来更加方便。 ChatGPT Buddy不仅可以回答一般问题,还可以提供有关各种主题的信息、建议和指南。无论您需要解决学校作业问题 -
My daily workouts generated with ChatGPT -
Visus - Train your own ChatGPT AI
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