address this issue, we have launched Stable Diffusion litigation website. The website is dedicated to challenging Stable Diffusion, a 21st-century collage tool that violates the rights of artists. Stable Diffusion is an AI-powered tool that has been trained on millions of copyrighted works that have been stolen from creators. This tool allows users to create new works by combining various elements from different copyrighted works without giving the original creators any credit or compensation. Our website aims to inform people about the harms caused by such AI tools and provide a platform for artists to stand up for their rights. The website also provides options for individuals to receive updates about the ongoing legal process and to support the legal team in their fight against Stable Diffusion. The law firm behind the website, Joseph Saveri Law Firm, is known for its work in class-action litigation and has partnered with Matthew Butterick, a writer, designer, programmer, and lawyer. The website serves as an important resource for artists and creators to understand their rights in the digital age and to hold tech companies accountable for their actions.

