ou time by giving you an easy-to-understand summary of the code you're working with. This is particularly helpful for new developers who may not be familiar with the codebase they're working on. TLDR is an AI-powered IDE plugin that makes understanding code easier for developers. By providing plain English explanations of code, TLDR saves time and reduces the frustration that can come with trying to understand complex code. The platform supports almost all programming languages and can explain everything from regular expressions to SQL queries. TLDR offers a free version so developers can try it out on their own code before committing to a purchase. In addition to being useful for new developers, TLDR can be helpful for more experienced developers who are reviewing code or working on particularly complex projects. Rather than spending time deciphering code, they can quickly get the information they need from TLDR. Overall, TLDR is a valuable tool for any developer who wants to save time and improve their understanding of code. By using AI to provide plain English explanations of code, TLDR makes it easier to work with complex programming languages and save valuable development time.
TLDR – Explain code in plain english.tl;dr horizontal logotl;dr vertical logotl;dr vertical logotl;dr vertical logotl;dr vertical logo 介绍
Revolutionize Your Content Creation With Brain Pod AI
借助 Brain Pod AI 的无代码平台和 AI Writer Violet,为您的企业释放 AI 的力量。轻松创建多种语言的高质量内容! -
Code Cleaning Bot
这个网站是一个在线的代码清洗工具,名为Code Cleaning Bot。这个工具可以帮助用户自动清理和美化他们的代码,从而使其更易于阅读、维护和分享。用户只需将他们的代码粘贴到网站上,然后选择他们想要的清洗选项,例如删除注释、删除空行或缩进代码,就可以获得清洗后的代码。Code Cleaning Bot支持许多不同的编程语言,包括Java、Python、JavaScript和CSS。此外 -
CodeWP - AI WordPress Code Generator & Assistantsearchclosedownloadchevron-leftchevron-rightplay-circledot-circle-opause-circlecross
CodeWP 是一个 WordPress 代码生成器,它使用 AI 和适用于 WordPress、Woo 等的专用模型来帮助您更好更快地构建代码。 -
一个可以上网的人工智能助手,无需代码即可扩展使用其他应用程序。 -
"Fini - Turn your knowledge base into an AI chat, in 2 minutes."
您提供指向您的知识库的链接。 Fini 会处理剩下的事情。找一个不知疲倦的 AI 代理,随时准备全天候 24 小时回答客户问题。与对讲机、搜索、Slack 和 Discord 集成。全部没有代码。 -
Code Language Converter - Convert code to other languages using AI
在线代码语言转换器使用人工智能在几秒钟内将您的代码片段从一种编程语言快速转换为另一种编程语言。 -
Levity | No-code AI workflow automation platform
在文档、图像或文本数据上训练您自己的 AI 以执行日常重复性任务,从而使您的团队的生产力达到更高水平。无需代码。 -
Writerly | AI Software Cloud for Business
Writerly 是一个 SaaS 平台,可提供无代码 AI 生产力工具,其中包含扩展销售、营销、电子商务、UX、产品等所需的一切。