"https://twitter.com/towards_AI" ], "logo": "https://towardsai.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/logo3.jpg", "name": "Towards AI", "description": "Towards AI is an online publication dedicated to bringing the latest news, insights, research, and interesting perspectives on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies. The website covers a wide range of topics related to AI, such as Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Robotics, Ethics, and more. The aim of the website is to foster a community where AI enthusiasts, experts, and stakeholders can share their knowledge, ideas, and opinions.", "foundingDate": "2019", "location": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "addressLocality": "Global", "addressCountry": "US" } } ] } Towards AI是一个在线出版物,专门致力于带来最新的人工智能和机器学习技术的新闻、见解、研究和有趣的观点。该网站涵盖了与人工智能相关的众多主题,如自然语言处理、计算机视觉、机器人技术、伦理等。该网站的目标是促进一个社区,让AI爱好者、专家和利益相关者可以分享他们的知识、想法和观点。该网站成立于2019年,总部位于美国,读者遍布全球。您可以在该网站上阅读各种文章,包括新闻、趋势、深度解析、案例研究、专栏等等。在该网站上,您还可以找到关于在线课程和培训、人才招聘、会议和展览会等方面的信息。该网站既面向初学者又面向专家,您可以在该网站上找到适合自己的内容。

