AI 资讯
继ChatGPT-4发布会开完以后,百度也不甘示弱,赶紧推出了“文心一言”的新闻发布会。发布会由帅气的百度创始人李彦宏主持,发布会上李彦宏讲的很认真,现场也较为平静,然而发布会的直播间却炸开了锅。 就在发布会在进行的过程中,直播间却不断刷出百度股价大跌的弹幕。 直播间截图 本以为是网友们在开玩笑,结果一看是真的! 股价截图 网友们表示,不开发布会大家还想不起来手里的股票,一开发布会真是看出了差距 -
看了百度文心一言发布会的直播,不得不感叹一句: 54岁的李彦宏保养的真好,如果这场发布会直播直接改成卖保健品,会不会卖爆? 百度为旗下新产品“文心一言”举办了发布会,这是一场广而告之的发布会, 在Open AI发布ChatGPT后,被誉为是新的“iPhone时刻”, 百度高调宣战,让国内有了非常高的期待。 但在整个发布会,百度创始人李彦宏全程播放视频,连哪怕一次实时展示“文心一言”的功能都没有 -
Predictive Modeling Analytics and
For many organisations, big data – incredible volumes of raw structured, semi-structured and unstructured data – is an untapped resource of intelligence that can support business decisions -
8 Machine Learning Models Explained in 20 Minutes
Supervised machine learning models can then be further classified into regression and classification algorithms, which will be explained in more detail in this article. Machine Learning Regression -
The new Bing: Our approach to Responsible AI
As noted above, the new Bing is designed to provide responses supported by the information in web search results when users are seeking information. For example, the system is provided with text from -
The new Bing: No more waiting list?
» » The new Bing: No more waiting list? The new Bing: No more waiting list? Many people who had been on the Bing waitlist now have access – and there are reports that people can now sign up for -
Microsoft removes waitlist to access Bing Chat GPT
You no longer need to wait in line to access Bing Chat. After signing up to preview the service, you’ll unlock the access immediately. Microsoft is reportedly removing the waitlist to access the new -
How to Sign Up for the New Bing AI Chatbot: The Complete Guide
The anticipation for Microsoft‘s new Bing AI chatbot has been building steadily since its limited preview launch in early February 2023. Integrating the conversational powers of AI like ChatGPT, this -
Bing AI waitlist
Recently, Microsoft has added AI to the Microsoft Edge browser and Bing search engine. These are both powered by the same technology that OpenAI used to produce ChatGPT. We'll show you in this -
How Long Is Bing Chat Waitlist
The new Bing with ChatGPT is free to use, but access remains limited due to the massive demand and extensive waitlist. ZDNET has tested both Bing’s chatbot and OpenAI’s ChatGPT chatbot. Bing’s