




大概一个星期之前,OpenAI“全面”开放了,因为之前的用户要先加入他们的等待列表,然后等待被选中。 不过现在,只要符合“一定条件”的用户,都可以直接登录并使用功能,每个人默认账号有一定的金额,可以对OpenAI的功能进行测试。


如果访问OpenAI有困难,或者只是想简单的感觉一下此类模型,作者模仿OpenAI,利用开源模型,仿造了一个中文版的OpenAI,地址是 gpt.deepdialog.ai











请参考例句,把句子从第三人称改为第一人称 改写前:小明今天去买了一个冰淇淋;改写后:我今天去买了一个冰淇淋。 改写前:小红今天出去骑车了;改写后:










The following is a conversation with an AI assistant. The assistant is helpful, creative, clever, and very friendly. Human: Hello, who are you? AI: I am an AI created by OpenAI. How can I help you today? Human: I'd like to cancel my subscription. AI:

其中第一行“The following……”可以认为是我上面提到的,对于问题的提示。同时这里也相当于给了算法一个关于这个机器人能力的提示。理论上如果我们修改这个提示的内容,比如把对这个AI助理的介绍从“helpful, creative, clever, and very friendly.”,改为类似“useless and rude”,这样算法的输出结果就可能不同,因为输入的上下文不同,理论上算法就会根据内容得到类似的结果(如同人一样)。注意是“可能”不同,实际上,你可能并不觉得有什么区别。





I am a highly intelligent question answering bot. If you ask me a question that is rooted in truth, I will give you the answer. If you ask me a question that is nonsense, trickery, or has no clear answer, I will respond with "Unknown".

Q: What is human life expectancy in the United States? A: Human life expectancy in the United States is 78 years.

Q: Who was president of the United States in 1955? A: Dwight D. Eisenhower was president of the United States in 1955.

Q: Which party did he belong to? A: He belonged to the Republican Party.

Q: What is the square root of banana? A: Unknown

Q: How does a telescope work? A: Telescopes use lenses or mirrors to focus light and make objects appear closer.

Q: Where were the 1992 Olympics held? A: The 1992 Olympics were held in Barcelona, Spain.

Q: How many squigs are in a bonk? A: Unknown

Q: Where is the Valley of Kings? A:

上面的例子和聊天类似,首先第一行“I am a……”给出了问题的描述。然后下面的“Q:……/A:……”的部分,主要是告诉算法应该如何回答问题,回答的格式是什么样。

最后的“Q: Where is the Valley of Kings?”才是真正的问题。


这种解决问题的方法在GPT-3的原文中,被称为In-context learning。也就是算法通过上下文进行一部分“学习”,或者我们也可以认为是一种“模仿”。




聊天: 完成聊天对话

场景对话: 根据设定场景,完成对话,类似剧本续写

对联: 根据给出的对联上联,完成下联

关键词抽取: 实现针对文章的关键词抽取

文本摘要: 实现针对文章的摘要

文本分类: 根据给出的选项,对文章进行抽取

问答: 回答事实问题

汉译英: 实现英文到中文的翻译

英译汉: 实现中文到英文的翻译

推理关系: 判断前提和假设的矛盾、蕴含、中立关系

菜谱生成: 生成菜谱

虚假名言: 生成虚假的名人名言

作文续写: 给出作文题目,继续书写

小说续写: 给出小说章节的一部分,继续写作后面部分


Chat: Open ended conversation with an AI assistant.

Q&A: Answer questions based on existing knowledge.

Grammar correction: Corrects sentences into standard English.

Summarize for a 2nd grader: Translates difficult text into simpler concepts.

Natural language to OpenAI API: Create code to call to the OpenAI API using a natural language instruction.

Text to command: Translate text into programmatic commands.

English to French: Translates English text into French.

Natural language to Stripe API: Create code to call the Stripe API using natural language.

SQL translate: Translate natural language to SQL queries.

Parse unstructured data: Create tables from long form text

Classification: Classify items into categories via example.

Python to natural language: Explain a piece of Python code in human understandable language.

Movie to Emoji: Convert movie titles into emoji.

Calculate Time Complexity: Find the time complexity of a function.

Translate programming languages: Translate from one programming language to another

Advanced tweet classifier: Advanced sentiment detection for a piece of text.

Explain code: Explain a complicated piece of code.

Keywords: Extract keywords from a block of text.

Factual answering: Guide the model towards factual answering by showing it how to respond to questions that fall outside its knowledge base. Using a '?' to indicate a response to words and phrases that it doesn't know provides a natural response that seems to work better than more abstract replies.

Ad from product description: Turn a product description into ad copy.

Product name generator: Create product names from examples words. Influenced by a community prompt.

TL;DR summarization: Summarize text by adding a 'tl;dr:' to the end of a text passage. It shows that the API understands how to perform a number of tasks with no instructions.

Python bug fixer: Find and fix bugs in source code.

Spreadsheet generator: Create spreadsheets of various kinds of data. It's a long prompt but very versatile. Output can be copy+pasted into a text file and saved as a .csv with pipe separators.

JavaScript helper chatbot: Message-style bot that answers JavaScript questions

ML/AI language model tutor: Bot that answers questions about language models

Science fiction book list maker: Create a list of items for a given topic.

Tweet classifier: Basic sentiment detection for a piece of text.

Airport code extractor: Extract airport codes from text.

SQL request: Create simple SQL queries.

Extract contact information: Extract contact information from a block of text.

JavaScript to Python: Convert simple JavaScript expressions into Python.

Friend chat: Emulate a text message conversation.

Mood to color: Turn a text description into a color.

Write a Python docstring: An example of how to create a docstring for a given Python function. We specify the Python version, paste in the code, and then ask within a comment for a docstring, and give a characteristic beginning of a docstring (""").

Analogy maker: Create analogies. Modified from a community prompt to require fewer examples.

JavaScript one line function: Turn a JavaScript function into a one liner.

Micro horror story creator: Creates two to three sentence short horror stories from a topic input.

Third-person converter: Converts first-person POV to the third-person. This is modified from a community prompt to use fewer examples.

Notes to summary: Turn meeting notes into a summary.

VR fitness idea generator: Create ideas for fitness and virtual reality games.

ESRB rating: Categorize text based upon ESRB ratings.

Essay outline: Generate an outline for a research topic.

Recipe generator: Create a recipe from a list of ingredients.

Marv the sarcastic chat bot: Marv is a factual chatbot that is also sarcastic.

Turn by turn directions: Convert natural language to turn-by-turn directions.

Restaurant review creator: Turn a few words into a restaurant review.

Create study notes: Provide a topic and get study notes.