OpenAI 正在为 ChatGPT 添加对插件的支持——这一升级极大地扩展了聊天机器人的功能,并首次使其能够访问来自网络的实时数据。

到目前为止,ChatGPT 一直受到限制,因为它只能从训练数据中提取信息,训练数据将于 2021 年结束。OpenAI 表示插件不仅允许机器人可以浏览网页,也可以与特定网站进行交互,有可能将系统变成一个范围广泛的界面,用于各种服务和网站。在公告中,该公司表示这几乎就像让其他服务成为 ChatGPT 的“耳目”。

在一个演示视频(下方)中,有人使用 ChatGPT 找到食谱,然后从 Instacart 订购必要的原料。 ChatGPT 自动将成分列表加载到购物服务中,并将用户重定向到该站点以完成订单。

OpenAI 表示正在向“一小部分用户”推出插件访问。最初,有 11 个外部网站插件,包括 Expedia、OpenTable、Kayak、Klarna Shopping 和 Zapier。 OpenAI 还提供了一些自己的插件,一个用于解释代码,另一个称为“浏览”,它可以让 ChatGPT 从互联网上获取信息。

作为浏览插件可以完成的示例,该公司向某人询问今年奥斯卡获奖影片的票房销售额与最近上映的电影相比如何,以及在吐出答案之前,机器人会显示其正在查看的来源的工作。这是 ChatGPT 以前无法完成的事情。

这个实验性功能显然类似于 Microsoft 的 Bing,后者具有从互联网提供 GPT-4(ChatGPT 底层语言模型)信息的自定义技术。然而,OpenAI 的插件不只是检索实时信息。根据该公司的文档,它还可以绑定到 API,让它“代表用户执行操作”。这可能会使它变得更加强大 — Bing 可以通过告诉您有关航班和酒店的信息来帮助您计划假期,而 ChatGPT 可以帮助您预订

p>让 ChatGPT 代表用户采取行动而不是仅仅向他们提供信息存在一些明显的安全问题。专家们已经对 OpenAI 使用 GPT-4 进行的实验表示担忧。例如,在人类测试人员的指导下,机器人能够生成指令,雇用 TaskRabbit 的一名工作人员来完成它无法回答的验证码。

OpenAI 表示已考虑到这些插件带来的威胁,并“实施了多项保护措施”,包括将插件的可用性限制在极少数人手中开始。该公司的博客文章称,它将“首先优先考虑少数开发人员和 ChatGPT Plus 用户”以获得插件访问权限,并在此处提供等候名单的注册。

OpenAI says it’s rolling out plug-in access to “a small set of users.” Initially, there are 11 plug-ins for external sites, including Expedia, OpenTable, Kayak, Klarna Shopping, and Zapier. OpenAI is also providing some plug-ins of its own, one for interpreting code and one called “Browsing,” which lets ChatGPT get information from the internet.

As an example of what the browsing plug-in can accomplish, the company shows someone asking how the box office sales of this year’s Oscar winners compare to recently released movies, and the bot shows its work for what sources it’s looking at before spitting out an answer. This is something ChatGPT would have been unable to accomplish before.

This experimental feature is obviously similar to Microsoft’s Bing, which has custom tech that feeds GPT-4 (the language model underlying ChatGPT) information from the internet. However, OpenAI’s plug-in doesn’t just retrieve real-time information. It can also tie into APIs, letting it “perform actions on behalf of the user,” according to the company’s documentation. That could make it much more powerful — Bing could help you plan a vacation by telling you about flights and hotels, but ChatGPT could help you


it. There are some obvious safety and security concerns with letting ChatGPT take actions on behalf of a user rather than just giving them information. Experts have already expressed worry about this in reaction to an experiment OpenAI conducted with GPT-4. When directed by a human tester, for example, the bot was able to generate instructions to employ a worker from TaskRabbit to complete a CAPTCHA it was unable to answer. OpenAI says it’s taken threats posed by these plug-ins into consideration and has “implemented several safeguards,” including limiting availability of the plug-ins to a very small number of people to start. The company’s blog post says it’ll “initially prioritize a small number of developers and ChatGPT Plus users” to get plug-in access and offers a sign-up for a waitlist here.

There are some obvious safety and security concerns with letting ChatGPT take actions on behalf of a user rather than just giving them information. Experts have already expressed worry about this in reaction to an experiment OpenAI conducted with GPT-4. When directed by a human tester, for example, the bot was able to generate instructions to employ a worker from TaskRabbit to complete a CAPTCHA it was unable to answer.

OpenAI says it’s taken threats posed by these plug-ins into consideration and has “implemented several safeguards,” including limiting availability of the plug-ins to a very small number of people to start. The company’s blog post says it’ll “initially prioritize a small number of developers and ChatGPT Plus users” to get plug-in access and offers a sign-up for a waitlist here.