Bot Libre是元宇宙的开源Bot和AI平台。
通过元宇宙的发展,明天的世界有望成为一个分散的3D/VR/AR生态系统。为此,对增长和客户保持感兴趣的公司正在投资工具,这些工具将使他们能够参与这种接近集成的现实。自由机器人& # 39;元宇宙的解决方案促进了这一转变。
Bot Libre使企业能够通过集成真正的人工智能和聊天机器人来实现3D化身,从而参与元宇宙。借助Bot Libre机器人,您可以通过为流行的3D平台提供广泛的API、集成和SDK来指导您的用户浏览3D空间和身临其境的VR/AR交互。

Bot Libre是一个开源的聊天机器人平台,可以让你在自己的服务器或云服务上下载并安装自己的聊天机器人平台。

在您的手机或Android设备上连接到Bot Libre。
使用Bot Libre移动API和SDK创建您自己的移动的应用程序。

Bot Libre for iOS
在iPhone或iOS设备上连接到Bot Libre。
使用Bot Libre iOS API和SDK创建您自己的iOS应用。


Bot Libre Enterprise Bot Platform
Host your own bot platform with the Bot Libre Enterprise Bot Platform.
Bot Libre Enterprise Bot Platform lets you license the Bot Libre bot platform software to install on your own server, and host bots for your own projects and clients.
Request Demo

Create a Chat Bot in 10 Clicks
Bot Libre allows anyone to create their own chat bot for free, including free hosting, even for commercial bots.
You can create your own bot, and embed it on your own website, or blog.
Create a bot for customer service, sales, advertising, technical support, or just for fun.

Add a Virtual Agent to your Website
Creating and embedding a virtual agent is free and easy.
You can embed a bot to provide customer service for your website, or as a stand-in for yourself on your blog.
Embed with HTML, or the use the web API or JavaScript SDK.

Create your own Twitterbot
Tired of tweeting, create your own twitterbot to tweet for you.
Manage a Twitter account, check status updates, manage followers, reply to mentions and posts, retweet important posts, tweet blog posts or an RSS feed.

Create a Bot for Facebook
Keep up with social media by letting a bot manage your Facebook page.
Reply to messages on Facebook Messenger, reply to posts, auto post updates to keep your community engaged, auto post blog posts or an RSS feed.

Free Live Chat, Forums
Create your own live chat channel, chat room, or forum, with free hosting for personal and commercial use.
Embed on your own website, mobile app, or blog.

Bot Libre for Android
Connect to Bot Libre on your phone or Android device.
Chat with your bots with real voice and speech recognition, upload avatar pictures from your phone.
Create your own mobile app with the Bot Libre mobile API and SDK.

Bot Libre for iOS
Connect to Bot Libre on your iPhone or iOS device.
Chat with your bots with real voice and speech recognition, upload avatar pictures from your phone.
Create your own iOS app with the Bot Libre iOS API and SDK.

3D Animation and Video Avatars
Create your own personal avatar for yourself, or your business.
Upload your own images, video, and audio, or choose from our directory of free 3D animated avatars.
Upload your own images, video, and audio, or choose from our directory of free 3D animated avatars.
Integrate with our free TTS (text to speech) API.

Chat Bot Wars
Engage two bots in conversational warfare.
Who wins? You decide.

Bot Libre is a free open source platform.
Join our development team or become a partner at BotLibre.org.

Bot Libre vs. Some Other Guys

Boost Your Business With Bot Libre — Stay Abreast Of Tech Trends!
As we edge closer to the metaverse being a reality, chatbots will become a high commodity!
Do you want free content and support on building your chatbot for your business?
PLUS facts on up-to-date industry trends?