如果您想尝试使用 AI 图像生成器,或者您已经尝试使用它们但未获得所需的结果,那么 AI 艺术教程是一个不错的起点。尽管存在争议,人工智能艺术正在吸引艺术家和非艺术家的好奇心,但许多人发现他们最初的实验并不像他们在社交媒体上看到的图像那样。


最好的人工智能艺术生成器的易用性已经创建了广泛的用户社区,因此不乏人工智能艺术教程,涵盖从入门到提示设计、参数、编辑图像以及如何升级人工智能艺术的所有内容。我们收集了我们所见过的最有用的教程,包括最好的 Midjourney 教程、DALL-E 2 教程、Stable Diffusion 教程等等。

请记住,人工智能艺术仍然存在争议,许多艺术家对此持严重保留态度。有关人工智能艺术的常见问题解答,请参阅底部的问题部分。但如果您想探索它的工作原理以及人工智能艺术在您的创意工作流程中是否占有一席之地,这里是我们精选的最佳人工智能艺术教程。您可能还想查看我们有关如何使用 DALL-E 2 的基本指南。


我们将精选的最佳 AI 艺术教程分为最佳中途教程、DALL-E 2 教程、稳定扩散教程和其他 AI 艺术教程几个部分。使用快速链接跳转到您想要的部分或向下滚动进行浏览。如果您希望将 AI 图像生成与其他创意工具结合起来,我们还提供了最佳 Photoshop 教程、Illustrator 教程和 After Effects 教程的综述。


 01. 终极中途指南:初级到高级

这份来自 Obscurious 的综合 Midjourney AI 艺术教程于 2023 年 4 月更新,为最流行的 AI 图像生成器之一提供了全面的指南。 Obscurious 承认他花了“大量的时间”来试验 AI 模型,他的 Midjourney 教程涵盖了从如何通过 Discord 上的机器人访问该工具到选择设置、不同参数如何工作、如何创建特定类型的所有内容图像,包括真实感和徽标,以及如何使用新的“/describe”命令。该教程清晰详细,但非常简洁明了。


Midjourney V.5 于 2023 年 3 月发布,对之前的模型进行了相当大的升级,尤其是在照片真实感方面。在这个中途视频教程中,理论媒体提供了如何在新模型中进行提示的直接细分,以及一些获得最佳结果的技巧。

03. Midjourney V.5风格的提示技巧和参考技巧

许多中途新手在尝试创建他们心目中的特定形象(无论是风格还是姿势)时都会有令人沮丧的经历。在这个 AI 艺术教程中,理论媒体探索了如何使用提示中的“样式依据”来控制输出,以及如何帮助避免 AI 模型忽略提示的部分内容。

04. 为中途建立完美的提示

If you have more time on your hands, this lengthy delve into Midjourney (actually the second part of two) is well worth digesting. Analog Dreams describes it as a masterclass, and this is one occasion where that isn't an overstatement. Clocking in at over 50 minutes, it goes deeper into promptcrafting, with examples of how to flesh out wording with styles and inspirations as well as parameters.

05. How to use separators in Midjourney prompts  

Still sticking with prompts, this Midjourney tutorial focuses specifically on the different separators that you can use in them. Thaeyne shows the impact that punctuation choice (colon, vertical bar, parentheses, backslash, dashes and so on) can have on the results, with 60 clear examples.

06. Midjourney Blend tutorial

Analog Dreams also has a dedicated AI art tutorial on one of Midjourney's newest features, Blend, which can be used to combine up to five images. The tutorial shows examples of what the tool can do, what kind of images work best, what its limitations are and how to enable Remix in order to edit blended images using prompts.

07.  Why you need to use seed in Midjourney 

Seed is perhaps one of the least understood parameters in image creation with generative AI. You might have noticed that repeating the same prompt in an AI art generator can result in wildly different results each time. A seed is an identifier for each individual image that you generate, By using a seed number as a parameter, you can generate images similar to one you've already generated, helping to eliminate some of that 'randomness'. In this quick AI art tutorial, Glibatree shows how it works, and how you can use it to learn how different words affect your prompt and avoid starting from scratch with each new image generation.

08.  How to transform sketches into masterpieces in Midjourney

AI art doesn't have to mean leaving the machine to do all of the work; you can also use AI image generators to transform your own drawings, using prompts to develop them into particular styles. In this AI art tutorial, Samson Vowles shows how he uses Midjourney to transform rough sketches by uploading his drawings, matching the aspect ratio, adding prompts and then further building on the results.

09. Make a children’s story book in 10 minutes using Midjourney

So we can use Midjourney to create some impressive images, but what about telling a whole story? That requires a coherent look and consistent characters. In this ten-minute Midjourney tutorial, Easy EZ demonstrates his process, which also involves the use of Photoshop to put the layout together and Chat GPT to generate the story. We're not saying that the results can compare to the best character design, but it's an interesting experiment in what can be done with AI (you might want to use the seed parameter discussed in the previous tutorial to aid consistency.

10. How to photobash in Midjourney

It's a common practice to generate different images in Midjourney and then combine them in Photoshop, but this tutorial from Theoretically Media takes a different approach. It shows how some very rough photobashing in an image editing program can be polished in Midjourney (at least to an extent), providing another possible way to achieve the image you want if you're finding that prompts aren't getting you there. You could photobash using your own images, images generated by AI or by using images from one of the best stock photo libraries.

The best DALL-E 2 tutorials

01. How to use DALL-E 2 

DALL-E 2是最容易上手的人工智能图像生成器之一,因为它& # 39;更直观一点。还有& # 39;无需运行任何代码,无需与机器人交流,也无需注册社交媒体平台。Tech Express的这个快速DALL-E 2教程让入门变得更加容易,它以一种方式分解了这个过程。从注册到购买积分和写提示,这很容易做到。

02.DALL-E 2修复/编辑演示

现在我说使用DALL-E 2是容易的,但是使用参考图像获得像样的结果是一个不同的故事。"修复& # 34;是DALL-E 2用来指编辑你自己的图像,或使用其生成式人工智能先前生成的图像的术语。您可以上传图像,并使用提示来操作它和添加新元素。正如我们在演示中看到的,结果可能非常不确定,但Bakz T. Future提出了一些故障排除的想法。

03.DALL-E 2实时出画教程

而& # 39;修复& # 39;指的是在图像的框架内编辑,& # 39;超越绘画& # 39;指的是超越那些边界的编辑,有效地扩展,或者& # 39;打开包装& # 39;一个图像。中的工作方式与修复类似,但关于如何上传起始图像,有一些事情需要记住。ArtistsJourney的这个DALL-E 2教程的好处在于它& # 39;s是实时拍摄的,所以我们看到了整个过程(有& # 39;■没有& # 39;现在画猫头鹰的其余部分& # 39;).



One of the hardest things about Stable Diffusion for those not familiar with the tech is getting started, at least if you want to use it directly rather than via a third party's implementation of the model. There are online versions of Stable Diffusion, including Stability AI's own Dream Studio, but since it's open source, you can also use Stable Diffusion for free... with a little bit of work to get set up. This Stable Diffusion tutorial from Royal Skies quickly and succinctly summarises the process for installing the model on Windows with not a word wasted (you'll probably need to pause it a few times).

02. How to install Stable Diffusion on Mac

Using a Mac? No problem. Analog Dreams has a Stable Diffusion tutorial showing a straightforward option for installing it on MacOS by downloading a single file. You'll need at least an M1 Mac. 16GB is recommended for running the program, but 8GB seems to cope.

03. How to use Google Collab to run Stable Diffusion

Another way to run Stable diffusion – and with no major technical requirements – is in your browser via Google Collab. This AI art tutorial from The Digital Dilettante shows how to run it, what it looks like and how to use it. It might look a little intimidating if you're not used to looking at code, but you don't need to know how to code, and this is a free way to use the open-source model. You'll need a Google account and to join Hugging Face.

04. Run Automatic1111 Stable Diffusion on Google Collab

If you want to use Stable Diffusion in Google Collab with a more friendly user interface, here's another option that you might want to try out. It's quick, and the tutorial also provides a walk-through of the Automatic1111 UI and the options available for image generation. This is an accessible way to start with Stable Diffusion without local installation or a powerful computer.

05. Stable Diffusion prompt guide 

This Stable Diffusion tutorial from AI fan Nerdy Rodent offers a good primer on how to use prompts to generate images using the AI model. We see which words work (and which really don't) as wel as how things like word order and punctuation can impact the resulting images.

06. Stable Diffusion settings explained

Know how to write a prompt but wondering what all the different Stable Diffusion settings mean? In the Stable Diffusion tutorial above, the ever energetic and direct Royal Skies talks us through them all, from sample steps to batch count, CFG and seed. He has individual tutorials on several of the settings.

07. How to make AI videos with Stable Diffusion 

In this AI art tutorial, self-confessed tech nerd Matt Wolfe explores how animations can be made using Stable Diffusion Automatic 1111 and the Deforum add-on. It's a lengthy deep dive, and the interview format is a little unusual for a tutorial, but if you're interested in creating moving images with Stable Diffusion, this video provides a good overview of the tabs and settings provided in Deforum, including how options in the Keyframes tab can be used to change angles and zoom. You'll need to be running Stable Diffusion locally or on a cloud server (the tutorial is based on running it in RunDiffusion.

08. Inject yourself into the AI and make any image with your face

Think you can do better than Donald Trump’s NFT trading cards? Well, this Stable Diffusion tutorial shows how you can put your face into any scene. There are easy-to-use Stable Diffusion-based apps that can do this, but they have a cost and and often limit you to certain styles. You can do the same thing with more freedom for free if you're running Stable Diffusion yourself. This guided AI art tutorial is quick, to the point and easy to follow.

Adobe Firefly tutorials

01. A first look at Adobe Firefly

如果人们对文本到图像的人工智能艺术是否会继续存在还有任何疑问,那么随着 Adob​​e Firefly 的推出,这种情况发生了变化。进入该领域的创意应用巨头肯定会让该技术在各个领域变得更加主流。 Adobe Firefly 仍处于测试阶段,由于其用户界面更加友好,是最容易使用的人工智能图像生成器之一,并且它承诺其模型仅针对获得许可的艺术家的作品进行训练。

用户界面更多地引导用户,提供预设样式可供选择,尽管这意味着您无法通过提示获得与稳定扩散等生成器相同级别的控制。它也是唯一可以生成文本的人工智能艺术生成器(至少到目前为止)。在上面的教程中,网页设计师 Payton Clark Smith 演示了图像生成器和 Firefly 文本效果工具的工作原理。

适用于 Photoshop 的 Adob​​e Firefly 生成填充教程

自 2023 年 5 月起,Adobe 已以新的 AI 生成填充工具的形式将 Adob​​e Firefly 的生成式 AI 功能的强大功能添加到 Photoshop 中。这允许使用文本提示直接在 Photoshop 本身中生成非破坏性图层中的图像。您还可以使用这些工具选择和变换现有图像中的元素,并且可以像在 Photoshop 中处理任何其他元素一样构建图层。



人工智能图像生成器可以创建一些令人惊叹的图像,但实际用途是什么?任何宣称摄影已死的人都有些言过其实了,因为人工智能无法创建它从未见过的事物的图像。然而,许多人正在寻找将人工智能艺术与摄影结合起来并将其纳入他们的工作流程的方法。在上面的 AI 艺术教程中,奥地利食品和产品摄影师 Oliver Fox 演示了他如何使用 Midjourney 创建背景和道具,然后将其与后期制作中的照片相结合,创作出令人印象深刻的产品摄影。


人工智能艺术的问题之一是它的规模。大多数人工智能图像生成器仅渲染相当小的图像,这可能适合在社交媒体上使用,但它不具备大规模使用或打印所需的分辨率。然而,有一些方法可以解决这个问题。在这个人工智能艺术教程中,Analog Dreams 展示了如何升级人工智能艺术。他使用 Topaz Labs 的 Gigapixel AI 来升级他的图像,但也有其他软件程序。

03. 如何准备出售人工智能艺术品

最后,数字艺术家 Vladimir Chopine 的人工智能艺术教程考虑了人工智能艺术的市场以及如何销售人工智能艺术。其中一部分再次涉及放大图像,使其足够大以供使用,但 Chopine 还着眼于在 Photoshop 中进行最后的润色,并提供了一些关于在寻求出售 AI 艺术时需要考虑的事项的建议,包括在哪里出售以及如何呈现它为了脱颖而出。


从最广泛的定义来看,人工智能艺术可以指由人工智能或在人工智能的帮助下以各种方式创作的数字艺术作品。然而,它目前主要用于描述使用最新的文本到图像扩散模型(例如 Midjourney、DALL-E 2 和 Stable Diffusion)创建的图像。图像可以完全由人工智能模型创建,或者部分由人工智能模型创建,部分由人类创建,他们可以在人工智能的工作基础上构建或采用人工智能生成的元素,并使用其他程序将它们组合到自己的工作中。




AI 图像生成器使用包含图像和说明文字的数据集进行训练,以便在图像与对象、人物、地点和风格的描述之间建立联系。最新的模型通常是使用从网络上抓取的数十亿张图像进行训练的。






OpenAI 表示,DALL-E2 用户拥有他们创建的图像,并有权重印、出售和在商品上使用它们,但版权法似乎与有关所有权的部分相矛盾(见下文)。其他公司表示,生成的任何图像及其生成器属于公共领域。 



2023 年 3 月美国联邦公报更新的指南指出:“根据该办公室对当前可用的生成人工智能技术的理解,用户不会对此类系统如何解释提示和生成材料进行最终的创造性控制。相反,这些提示的功能更像是对委托艺术家的指令——它们识别提示者希望描绘的内容,但机器决定如何在其输出中实现这些指令。”



理论上,艺术家可以像使用任何艺术一样使用人工智能艺术,包括出售原始文件或副本。围绕版权的问题意味着艺术家可能很难阻止人们复制使用人工智能图像生成器制作的任何作品,尽管总是可以选择将作品转化为 NFT 以证明其是原创的(请参阅我们关于 如何制作 NFT)。


